A New Chapter

Hello, all. I have neglected to post anything as of lately because I have been busy BECOMING A HOMEOWNER! Well, trying anyways. We have been touring homes and spending more time than I would like to admit on realtor.com. Our conversations kept going back to one house in particular; and after viewing it for a second time, we decided to put an offer in. Fast forward through an afternoon of stress and blonde moments (I may have locked my keys in my running car… in front of the realtor) and we got the call that our offer was accepted! Now we are going to spend the next 45 days worrying about: the inspection, money, the appraisal, money, making a 30-year commitment, money and probably, money. Don’t get me wrong, I am excited. There has been an obvious increase in my use of Pinterest and HGTV. (P.S: house hunting is nothing like HGTV told me it would be. Nothing).

So now we wait and worry. Hopefully it will all pay off! We have already decided that if this not does pan out, we will be renters for another year; so I am praying that all goes well! I keep picturing myself cooking meals in the kitchen, laying in the hammock out back (in 6 months when it’s nice enough to do so) and having friends & family over. I am trying to be rational about everything; so if for some reason one of the million things that could go wrong, does, I know we will be okay. What will be, will be. I am only 24 after all; we have time. πŸ™‚

I’ve been thinking more lately about the original purpose of this blog. When I started it, I was 21 years old. I was living out of a tiny bedroom in my boyfriend’s cousins house, trying to get through college, working a minimum wage job and man, did I think I knew EVERYTHING. In reality, I was just starting to figure things out. I was living off of a shoe-string budget but I had some big dreams. I dreamt of graduating college, starting a career, getting married and buying a home. It all seemed so far away, so unobtainable.

Spoiler alert: I am well on my way to accomplishing my dreams. I graduated. I’ve been working in the field of social work for a year this Tuesday. I may not be married (in fact, we have been engaged, broken up & back together for 2 years since then!) but we have solidified our relationship and have a come long way in our decade of dating. Marriage will come. And now, we are buying a home. I am no longer the unsure, slightly unrealistic twenty-something that I was. I don’t have it all figured out, but I’d say I have a fairly good grasp. It seems as if my blog is no longer appropriately named; I don’t feel like it is me vs. the world. Then again, I am only 24. I will likely look back in a few years and laugh at myself, thinking again that I had it all figured out.

Life is funny like that. We are constantly gaining perspective, learning new things. At this point in my life I can honestly say that I am happy, I am healthy and I am excited for the present. I used to always be on fast-forward; trying to reach the next milestone. Now, I am pleased with where I am right in this moment. I don’t need to rush through my life because I am already blessed.

Possibly brain-storming new blog names & content. I think it is time for a shift. I am ready to embrace new subjects and new challenges. I hope my readers will come along for the ride. Stay tuned!



2 thoughts on “A New Chapter

  1. Hazel says:

    I can relate so much to this. When I was younger I thought I knew everything. And you’re right, I know think so differently to how I used to think too. It’s good that your life seems to be panning out like you planned it to! Good luck with the house πŸ™‚

Your turn :)