To Tweet or Not to Tweet

A few nights ago I laid in bed wondering… is this all that life has to offer? Will I forever be tied to some menial job, wishing the minutes away until I’m free to go home, only to be instantly bored upon being there? How many more minutes of my life will I give away to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram; checking up on the whereabouts and doings of people that I don’t even talk to in real life? There has to be a world outside of this all-consuming age of social media where everyone is constantly trying to outdo one another. No one is actually living life anymore; instead they’re posting status updates about it. Why do we care what people that we haven’t seen in six years had for breakfast? Beyond that, when do our real lives begin anyway? High school was supposed to be the best years of our lives; then college, now conveniently, our early to mid-twenties. It seems as if it just keeps shifting with age but one must then wonder, do the “best years of our life” even exist at all? Is it something that happens without any effort, or must we make a conscious decision to block a period out and live it wonderfully? It seems like a silly notion to plan out something as such, as it seems like something people say as an afterthought. Most people can’t appreciate the beauty of something in the moment. You never hear someone say, “Man, I really hate my job but I sure am lucky to have it” or “I may not ever really do anything exciting but I’m okay with being average.” Nope. It’s because we all want more and dream bigger; which is all fine and great if any of us intended to do anything about it! The thing is, we don’t and here’s something you may find shocking: most people don’t really want to! Most people are so comfortable with the routine of their lives that any shake up is considering daunting. God knows what would happen if we just up and scheduled that trip abroad, or took a weekend to explore a new city. What would happen if, one of those boring days off, we shut off our computers/smart phones and drove until we were lost? What would we find, what kind of memories could we make?

Life is too short to simply just blog about how life is too short, or ‘pin’ inspirational quotes on Pinterest; we need to get off Facebook, etc. and get out there… do somethingactually live.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go tweet something witty and post an Instagram picture of my coffee.

Til next time-A

One thought on “To Tweet or Not to Tweet

  1. JoanneMaceThong says:

    -Joanne, 18, Malaysia. Check out mine too 🙂 It’s a really personal blog where none of my friends know about it and I feel free to let out all my rants and ramblings to strangers that I do not know and not afraid. And I think you sort of feel the same way. And I find that I can really relate to yr blog. 😀
    Cheers !

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